Tree-Nation Pledge in Africa’s Stead


Tree-Nation announced plans to develop an ecological project as it proposes the idea of planting 8 million trees in Africa.

 “Desertification affects the livelihoods of millions of people, as it occurs on all continents”

The Project

With a focused objective Tree-Nation aim to tackle desertification in Niger as it’s large-scale plantation of trees will effectively increase the lands productivity.


Desertification threatens the livelihoods of some of the worlds poorest and most vulnerable of populations caused largely by unsustainable use of scarce resources.

           Image courtesy of Tree-Nation

Who will benefit

Niger is primarily one of the poorest countries in the world with Sub-Sahara being the most affected by desertification and poverty.

Making a difference

In helping Tree-Nation to fulfil its pledge you can buy your own tree in the hopes of investing in the future of others and the fight against global warming, desertification and poverty. You can also sign the 100.00 pledge setup by Tree-Nation to help attract more attention to the project.

What Niger stands to gain

The benefits of such a project will help provide better education and farming practices to the people of Niger and across Africa.


Sources: greenfacts, yicrosoftdirectorygirl

2 Responses to “Tree-Nation Pledge in Africa’s Stead”

  1. its a needed cause to write about. thanks for helping.

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